It’s Time For Spring Cleaning


Slide1Spring is a time of renewal for yourself, your home, your wardrobe, your garden, and almost every aspect of our lives. As soon as the first sign of spring is upon us, we feel it in the air, in our minds and in our hearts and we begin to feel a need for change and newness. 

It’s natural that we have a desire to do a good spring cleaning around the house. Our lives have spent the past several months becoming cluttered, excess after the holidays builds up, winter collections are no longer needed, and the house begins to feel confined. But, as we delve into our home and garden spring cleanings, I wonder how many of us ever stop and consider if our hearts and minds need some spring cleaning as well. I definitely know that my heart and mind occasionally feel filled with clutter and unnecessary items that cause unneeded stress. Between things happening around me in the world and things in my everyday life, I find that sometimes I, myself and actually in need of a good renewal.

I think it’s so important that each of us takes time to focus on ourselves and what we need to reset our spirits and really clean out the grime and messiness. So, this spring while you focus on all of your cleaning, make an effort to evaluate your own needs and how you can best cleanse your mind, your heart, and your whole self!

Here is a list of questions that I use to evaluate my own need for a spring cleanse. These really help me get on a journey back to a happy heart and peaceful mind.

Have you been having regular times devoted to something that brings you pure joy? Take small steps towards adding in things that bring you happiness, maybe bringing you closer to your goals. Do one thing every day that truly makes you happy. Women are great at making others around them happy, we need to be sure to remember to do the same for ourselves.

Are you taking time to listen to what your heart is trying to speak into your life? Don’t downplay your capabilities, admit your strengths and allow them to lead your choices and follow your heart. Your heart has a drive, it has passion, it has goals; don’t silence or ignore your heart speak, listen to it & seize its power.

When something difficult arises, do you listen to your true self or are you allowing negativity and doubt to determine how to handle handle the situation? Remember, nobody can make us feel bad without our consent (Elenor Roosevelt). There is not a single negative opinion in the world that matters if you don’t allow it to.

How are your relationships right now? Take inventory and reevaluate where you stand in them, what kind of work they need, and if they are still valuable. Be grateful for the good and banish the stained, dingy, and dusty clutter that’s no longer necessary.

What is taking up unnecessary space in your life? Take time to consider your schedule: work, relationships, hobbies, kids’ activities, et cetera, then determine what needs to go? If something is taking away your energy and joy wand replacing it with negativity, it has to go. If something doesn’t have a purpose for you or for your family, it has to go. Sometimes you will find, nothing is needed in place of the things you let go, rather you’ll find joy in the empty free spaces. You’ll find a renewed peace that you can now decide what to allow back into your life.

I hope this sparks your mind and your heart. Big or small, if you took the steps and cleaned out something this April, I’d love to know. Come tell me…

Happy Spring Cleaning, Everyone…

2019-05-01T23:12:53+00:00April 1st, 2019|0 Comments

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